20 US colleges that can land you a six-figure salary – Times of India

20 US colleges that can land you a six-figure salary – Times of India

A college degree is supposed to be your golden ticket—but did you know that where you go to school can make or break your future paycheck? Sure, everyone knows college grads earn more than those with just a high school diploma, but here’s the kicker: The salary gap between graduates from different colleges isn’t just big—it’s mind-blowing.
A bombshell Payscale report from September 2024 lays it all out. Graduates with the same degree can rake in vastly different salaries based solely on their alma mater. We’re talking six-figure differences here! This means your choice of school isn’t just about campus vibes or prestige—it’s about how many zeros you’ll see on your paycheck. With tuition prices climbing higher than ever, picking the right college isn’t just a rite of passage—it’s a major financial decision.
Payscale’s College Salary Report is based on a comprehensive database, utilizing alumni salary data from 3.1 million respondents across more than 2,400 U.S. colleges and universities. The insights presented here offer valuable guidance for researching schools, academic programs, and career trajectories. This data helps identify fields of study with the highest earning potential and highlights those most adaptable to diverse career paths. Here are top 20 colleges whose degrees can help you earn more.

Rank School Name School Type Early Career Pay Mid-Career Pay
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Engineering, Private, Research University $110,200 $196,900
2 Princeton University Engineering, Ivy League, Private, Research $95,600 $194,100
3 United States Naval Academy Engineering, Liberal Arts, State $96,700 $187,800
4 Harvey Mudd College Engineering, Liberal Arts, Private $115,000 $185,900
5 Babson College Business, Private $90,600 $181,400
6 Stanford University Private, Research $102,300 $181,200
7 Santa Clara University Private, Religious $91,000 $179,500
8 Dartmouth College Ivy League, Private, Research $92,300 $178,700
9 University of Pennsylvania Ivy League, Private, Research $92,500 $178,300
10 Harvard University Ivy League, Private, Research $95,600 $177,400
11 Colgate University Liberal Arts, Private $87,400 $176,100
12 Lehigh University Private, Research $89,100 $175,600
13 California Institute of Technology Engineering, Private, Research $111,000 $175,400
14 Claremont McKenna College Liberal Arts, Private $89,800 $175,000
15 United States Military Academy Liberal Arts, State $95,400 $174,100
16 Williams College Liberal Arts, Private $85,800 $173,900
17 Stevens Institute of Technology Engineering, Private, Research $92,800 $172,900
18 United States Air Force Academy Engineering, Liberal Arts, State $90,900 $172,800
19 Yale University Ivy League, Private, Research $92,100 $171,900
20 University of California-Berkeley Research, State $90,900 $170,100

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