IIT Madras scholarship programmes: Eligibility criteria and details explained – Times of India

IIT Madras scholarship programmes: Eligibility criteria and details explained – Times of India

On August 12, the Ministry of Education announced the ninth edition of the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2024. As in previous years, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has retained its top position not only in the overall category but also in the Engineering category. Additionally, the institute has secured top 5 positions in several other categories.Naturally, many students aspire to pursue their higher education at IIT Madras. However, gaining admission to this prestigious institute is challenging and costly. To support students, IIT Madras offers a variety of scholarships.

IIT Madras scholarship programmes

The institute provides different types of scholarships to encourage meritorious students and assist those in need of financial support. These include selective scholarship amounts, fee waivers, and special schemes for SC, ST, and female students. Some scholarships are funded by alumni, while others come from companies and the Government of India. In this article, we will explore the various scholarships offered by IIT Madras and their eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria
Amount of scholarship
Institute Merit-cumMeans Scholarship Parents annual income not exceeding Rs.4,50,000/- Available for 25% of students admitted. Renewal of scholarship every semester is subject to a minimum GPA of 5.0. in the previous semester.

67% Tuition fee exemption

Institute free studentship Parents annual income not exceeding Rs.4,50,000/- Available for 25% of students admitted. Renewal of scholarship every semester is subject to a minimum GPA of 5.0. in the previous semester.

67% Tuition fee exemption

Institute SC/ST Scholarship Parents annual income not exceeding Rs.4,50,000/- Free messing and pocket allowance of Rs. 250/- per month, over and above tuition fee exemption. Renewal of scholarship every semester is subject to a minimum GPA of 5.0. in the previous semester.
Indian Women’s Association at Bonn Scholarship On the basis of rank in JEE and parents annual income up to 5 lakhs. Rs.1,250/- per month to one B.Tech student for 12 months only.
Dr K Vasanth Rau Scholarship Based on JEE rank and parental income up to Rs. 5.50 lakhs. Renewable based on GPA of 6.5 and above. Rs 25,000/- per annum

One student for the entire duration of the programme.

Other scholarships

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
Amount of the Scholarship
Ministry of Social Justice and Empower- ment , GoI. Central Sector Scholarship For SC students Top 10 students based on JEE rank and parental income not exceeding Rs 4.5lakhs. (only students of B.Tech, MBA & Dual Degree students are eligible) Personal PC Rs.45,000/- (one time); Living Expenses Rs 2,200/- per month; Books and Stationery Rs 3,000/- per annum; Reimbursement of Fees.
Ministry of Tribal Affairs , GoI. – Central Sector Scholarship For ST students Top 5 students based on JEE rank and parental income not exceeding Rs 6lakhs. (only students of B.Tech, MBA & Dual Degree students are eligible) Personal PC Rs.45,000/- (one time);

Living Expenses Rs.2,200/- per month;

Books and Stationery Rs.3,000/- per annum;

Reimbursement of Fees. Renewable subject to passing of the final examination of each year.

Ministry of Minority Affairs, GoI Meritcum-Means Scholarship Students belonging to Minority communities such as Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis and whose parental income not exceeding Rs 2.5 lakhs per annum are eligible. Maintenance Expenses @ Rs.10,000/- per annum for hostellers and for dayscholars Rs.5,000/-

Reimbursement of course fee of Rs.20,000/- or

the actual fees whichever is less.

The scholarship amount will be sanctioned by the State Govt. 30% of the scholarship are reserved for girl students. Renewable subject to passing of the final examination of each year.

MHRD scholarship for single Girl child As per GoI norms Rs.40,000/- per year

These are some of the scholarships that are offered and accepted by the IIT Madras. For more details on other scholarships students can click on this link.

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