A tale of two cities: Lessons from a US tech hub as Singapore revs up digital economy ambitions

A tale of two cities: Lessons from a US tech hub as Singapore revs up digital economy ambitions

The Garden City can take a leaf out of Seattle’s playbook in push to become a global innovation powerhouse

IT MAY well be the best of times – Singapore has found a partner in the unlikeliest of places some 13,000 km away to power its digital economy aspirations.

Seattle, Washington’s largest city, is the golden child of American innovation. Perched among the elites in the global startup scene and home to A-listers such as Amazon, it is a juggernaut few cities can rival when it comes to tech.

Meanwhile, Singapore is still making inroads with its digital economy push. Its government-funded “smart nation” vision has helped set into motion bold ambitions spanning domestic transformation and regional leadership, along with global innovation-powerhouse dreams.

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