APSC CCE Mains 2023 Schedule released at apsc.nic.in, check dates here – Times of India

APSC CCE Mains 2023 Schedule released at apsc.nic.in, check dates here – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has released the dates for the Combined Competitive (Mains) Examination 2023. According to the schedule, the APSC CCE 2023 mains exam will be held over three days, from July 26 to July 28, 2024.
The examination will be conducted in two shifts each day. The morning shift will run from 9 AM to 12 noon, while the afternoon shift will be conducted from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM.Candidates can expect to receive their APSC CCE Mains 2023 admit cards starting July 5, 2024.
Candidates who have successfully cleared the Assam Public Service Commission Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) prelims 2023 are only eligible to appear for the APSC CCE Mains 2023. The commission has announced that candidates will be able to download admit cards through the official website of the Commission at apsc.nic.in.
To access their admit cards, candidates will be required to log in using their registration number and password. This login credential verification process ensures secure access to the admit cards. Candidates are advised to keep their login details safe for smooth retrieval of their admit cards.
APSC CCE Mains 2023 Schedule

Date Morning shift Afternoon shift
July 26 Paper-1: Essay Paper-2: General studies-I
July 27 Paper-3: General studies-II Paper-4: General studies-III
July 28 Paper-5: General studies-IV Paper-6: General studies-V

The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 235 vacancies across Assam Civil Services, Assam Police Services, and various other departments under the APSC. The application process for the APSC CCE Mains 2023 is currently open, with the registration deadline set for July 1, 2024.
The Commission declared the results of the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2023 on its official website on April 13, 2024. Around 10,148 candidates qualified for the Mains examination.
The APSC CCE Prelims Exam 2023 was conducted on March 26, 2023, and the preliminary answer key was released on March 27, 2023.
The Mains examination will comprise written papers and an interview, and the final selection will be done on the basis of the combined marks obtained in the Mains exam and the Interview by the candidates.
For more information and details related to the APSC CCE Main Exam 2023, candidates who are going to appear for the examination can refer to the official website of the Commission.

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