MUMBAI: Mumbai division bettered its Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exams performance this year with a pass percentage of 95.83%. Among the nine divisions, it stood at number fourth position, compared to the sixth place last year (92.3%).
Mumbai division comprising Mumbai, Thane, Raigad and Palghar has the maximum number of students (3,39269) taking the exams.Of these, 3,25,143 passed. The overall pass percentage in the state is 95.81 %. The Konkan division with only 26,780 students, was at the top with 99.01% and Nagpur was at the bottom with a score of 94.73%. The exams were held from March 1 to 26.
For the first time in several years the results have been declared in May. Board officials attributed it to the uploading of internal and practical marks on the board’s website directly by schools.
Photocopies of answer booklets and verification of marks can be done form May 28 to June 11.
Supplementary exams will be held in July-Aug, the dates will be announced later.
With results out students can apply for online admission to junior colleges by registering on
There will be three general CAP and quota rounds. In addition there will be two special rounds, including one for Allowed To Keep Term (ATKT) students. Colleges can start FYJC classes after the special round 1. A Direct Merit Round (DMR) will also be held. There will be no First Come First Serve (FCFS) round.
Mumbai division comprising Mumbai, Thane, Raigad and Palghar has the maximum number of students (3,39269) taking the exams.Of these, 3,25,143 passed. The overall pass percentage in the state is 95.81 %. The Konkan division with only 26,780 students, was at the top with 99.01% and Nagpur was at the bottom with a score of 94.73%. The exams were held from March 1 to 26.
For the first time in several years the results have been declared in May. Board officials attributed it to the uploading of internal and practical marks on the board’s website directly by schools.
Photocopies of answer booklets and verification of marks can be done form May 28 to June 11.
Supplementary exams will be held in July-Aug, the dates will be announced later.
With results out students can apply for online admission to junior colleges by registering on
There will be three general CAP and quota rounds. In addition there will be two special rounds, including one for Allowed To Keep Term (ATKT) students. Colleges can start FYJC classes after the special round 1. A Direct Merit Round (DMR) will also be held. There will be no First Come First Serve (FCFS) round.