Sats tops governance and transparency index; Singapore listcos’ scores dip after methodology change

Sats tops governance and transparency index; Singapore listcos’ scores dip after methodology change

Big-cap companies with market capitalisations of more than S$1 billion outperform mid- and small-cap firms

GROUND handler and caterer Sats clinched the top spot in an annual governance and transparency index assessing Singapore-listed companies on Thursday (Aug 1). It moved up one spot to claim the position from telco Singtel, which placed first on the index last year. Among Reits and business trusts, CapitaLand Ascott Trust clinched the lead on the index this year.

Overall, the performance of Singapore-listed companies and trusts dipped slightly on the annual Singapore Governance and Transparency Index (SGTI) compared with the year before, after the index’s framework was revised this year to emphasise sustainability disclosures.

The index ranks Singapore Exchange-listed companies on their corporate government practices as well as the timeliness, accessibility and transparency of their financial disclosures. They are awarded points out of a theoretical maximum of 143 points.

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