TRB releases revised results for BRTE 2023 Chemistry; Download here – Times of India

TRB releases revised results for BRTE 2023 Chemistry; Download here – Times of India

TN TRB revised result 2024: The Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) has issued a revised result for the Chemistry subject in the Direct Recruitment of Graduate Teachers/Block Resource Teacher Educators (BRTE) 2023 exam. This revision comes after a candidate raised a concern regarding the answer key for question number 159.
The initial results, along with the final answer key for all subjects, were released on May 18th, 2024.Following this, a candidate pointed out through the TRB Grievance Redressal portal that question number 159 was not challenged during the objection period, yet the final key listed answer “D” instead of the tentative answer “B.”
Upon reviewing the candidate’s claim and related records, the TRB confirmed no change to the question’s answer key itself. However, an error was identified in the final key published on May 18th. The revised key for question number 159 is now confirmed as “B.”
Direct link to download the TN TRB Revised Result
Based on this revised key, the TRB has re-evaluated the Chemistry subject and released a new set of results. The previously released results from May 18th for Chemistry are now withdrawn.
This revision affects 2,898 candidates who took the Chemistry exam. The revised results show a score increase of 1 mark for 2,158 candidates and a decrease of 1 mark for 158 candidates.
The TRB emphasizes that utmost care was taken in preparing and publishing the revised results. However, the board reserves the right to rectify any further errors identified in the future.

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