TSPSC Group 1 exam 2024: The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has announced the exam schedule for Group-I Services positions in Telangana State.
According to the notice available on the official website at tspsc.gov.in, the commission has announced that the exam will take place on June 9, from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Starting June 1, hall tickets will be available on the official website tspsc.gov.in.
The Commission has also provided sample OMR sheets for candidate’s reference.The Main Exam will be held in September/October 2024. The TSPSC Group 1 recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 563 vacancies.
The official notice states, “The instructions printed on the hall ticket are also made available to candidates. Candidates are advised to carefully read and follow the Instructions while taking the Preliminary Test. The Commission will not be held responsible if candidates make mistakes or violate the instructions on the OMR Answer Sheet and Hall Ticket.”
Additionally, the Commission has mentioned that the Hall Tickets will be released on June 1.
“The Hall Ticket for downloading purpose will be available in the Commission’s Website from 01/06/2024 onwards up to commencement of Examination” the notice reads.
Check the official TSPSC notice here.
Steps to Download Group I Admit Card 2024 (releasing on June 1)
Step 1: Visit the official website: tspsc.gov.in
Step 2: Click on the link to download the Group I services exam admit card once it is live.
Step 3: Enter your registration details and log in.
Step 4: Download a copy of the admit card.
Step 5: Print a copy for exam day.
Here’s the direct link to access sample OMR sheets.
According to the notice available on the official website at tspsc.gov.in, the commission has announced that the exam will take place on June 9, from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Starting June 1, hall tickets will be available on the official website tspsc.gov.in.
The Commission has also provided sample OMR sheets for candidate’s reference.The Main Exam will be held in September/October 2024. The TSPSC Group 1 recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 563 vacancies.
The official notice states, “The instructions printed on the hall ticket are also made available to candidates. Candidates are advised to carefully read and follow the Instructions while taking the Preliminary Test. The Commission will not be held responsible if candidates make mistakes or violate the instructions on the OMR Answer Sheet and Hall Ticket.”
Additionally, the Commission has mentioned that the Hall Tickets will be released on June 1.
“The Hall Ticket for downloading purpose will be available in the Commission’s Website from 01/06/2024 onwards up to commencement of Examination” the notice reads.
Check the official TSPSC notice here.
Steps to Download Group I Admit Card 2024 (releasing on June 1)
Step 1: Visit the official website: tspsc.gov.in
Step 2: Click on the link to download the Group I services exam admit card once it is live.
Step 3: Enter your registration details and log in.
Step 4: Download a copy of the admit card.
Step 5: Print a copy for exam day.
Here’s the direct link to access sample OMR sheets.